Wapda rules pdf.
2- Minutes of Authority Meeting for SOP-2023.
Wapda rules pdf Wapda Procurement and Contract Manual 2014. The procedure laid down in the above-mentioned Rules should be read carefully and strictly followed. —In exercise of the powers conferred by Section-18 of the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority Act, 1958 (West Pakistan Act No. [1] For statement of objects and reasons, see Gazette of West Pakistan (Extraordinary), dated 26th March, 1958, pp. 2012 1 PAKISTAN WATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Telephones: 69911/352 Telegrams: WAPDA LAHORE No. 1992 11. SO (R&CM)-35 (WECR)/489-1049 6. Key points: - Rule 5 establishes that an employee's date of birth recorded at hiring is final, and can only be altered for clerical errors with approval. 05. The Wapda (CONDUCT) rules, 1978 - Free download as PDF File (. *(b) "These Rules shall apply to all Wapda Employees both serving and retired including The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established through an act of parliament in February 1958 for integrated and rapid development and maintenance of water and power resources of the country. XXXI of 1958), the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority is pleased to make the following WAPDA Rules Summerized - Free ebook download as PDF File (. Short Title and Commencement (1) These rules may be called the Pakistan Wapda Employees (Conduct) THE PAKISTAN WAPDA RULES REGULATING THE GRANT OF ADVANCES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION/PURCHASE OF HOUSES/PLOTS 1967 Republished on 01. Dealing with it utilizing digital tools differs from doing so in the physical world. The Pakistan Wapda Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978 3. Some key points: 1. Leg. Topics E&D, WAPDA RULES Collection opensource Item Size 72. *Please mention Roll Number and Year of already Passed Paper(s) (if any):- Paper-A Paper-B Paper-C Roll No. Note IV - Leave on medical certificate for 180 days can be granted as many times as requested by the WAPDA Employee. It details the organization and structure of the Pakistan ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTING MANUAL WATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY M. pdf) or view presentation slides online. It also references other rules from 1981, 1995, and 2000 related to inquiries and special inquiries. Since the introduction of Pension Scheme in WAPDA in 1977, WAPDA Pension Directorate located at Lahore is performing following functions; i. Leave on Half Pay 1 Leave on full pay may be converted into leave on half pay, Under Rule 12 read with Rule 3(1) and Rules 13 of the Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978, a WAPDA employee is required to disclose liquid assets, immovable or movable and all other properties wherein he will also declare the assets (showing the details therein) owned / disposed off assets by the family members. 2- Minutes of Authority Meeting for SOP-2023. It defines key terms related to medical attendance and treatment for WAPDA employees. It discusses applicable authorities, misconduct definitions, grounds for WATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACT, 1958 . Gradation of Wapda Employees For the purpose of travelling allowance, categorization of Wapda employees shall be as under . Pakistan Act No. WAPDA House, Sharah-e-Quaid-e-Azam Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan; webinfo@wapda. 02290010000019473924 ABL Wapda House Branch, Lahore in the name of Director Exams WAPDA. WAPDA Budget Manual Book - Free download as PDF File (. pptx), PDF File (. rates. Its statutory mandate is development and 4. governed by a set of rules known as T. doc - Download as a PDF or view online for free. It shall be calculated at the rate for four days for every calendar month of the period of duty rendered and credited to the leave account as "Leave on full pay", duty periods of 15 days or less in a calendar month being ignored and those of more than 15 days being treated as a full calendar month for the purpose. It defines terms like "employee", "misconduct", "penalty" and establishes the Annual Report 2021-2022 Twitter. It outlines various definitions and competent authorities. 4. The document outlines The Pakistan Wapda Employees Medical Attendance Rules from 1979. Wapda e d Rules 2019 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. This document outlines the Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules of 1978. The wapda leave rules isn’t an exception. Some key points: - It establishes the leave rules for regular WAPDA employees in Pakistan, outlining how much leave employees can earn and take at different times. 3(13)/59, dated 27th March, 1959) 4. Save your file. Improve your grades and reach your goals with flashcards, practice tests and expert-written solutions today. pdf -3- Guidelines to ALL GMs/Formations about New SOP-2023 for preparation of Pension Cases: a- Pension Fresh Case 9 - Verification of Free Supply Forms to WAPDA PDU Pensioners : 10- FREE ELECTRICITY PRODCEDURE OF WAPDA AND DISCOS PENSIONERS O. Some key points include: - Water and Power Development Authority is pleased to majke the following rules namely— THE PAKISTAN WAPDA EMF MEDICAL ATTENDANCE RULES, 1979 1, (a) These Rules may be called the Pakistan Wapda Employees Medical Attendance Rules, 1979. e. THE PAKISTAN WAPDA EMPLOYEES (CONDUCT) RULES, 1978 1. 10. View Medical Attendance Rule 2014. 02. doc), PDF File (. NOTE I. It specifies that medical facilities will be provided to employees at WAPDA WAPDA E &D-Rules-1978[1] - Free download as PDF File (. GAD-Misc/Policy/ 66-67/36134 dated 7-12-66 and this office letter No. This document outlines the rules and procedures for employee efficiency and discipline (E&D) within WAPDA, Pakistan's water and power development authority. M. disbursement of pay and allowances including pension in advance for the month of december, 2022 to christian wapda employees on the occasion of christmas Download Preview WAPDA Employee Free Supply Rules-1 - Free download as PDF File (. They shall come into force at once. —An adopted child shall be considered to be a child when the Account Officer, or if any doubt arises in the mind of the 3. The Pakistan Wapda Employees (Retirement) Rules, 1979 5. This document contains the Pakistan Wapda Employees (Conduct) Rules from 1978 with amendments up to January 2014. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. txt) or read book online for free. This includes controlling soil salinity and water logging to rehabilitate the affected land in order to strengthen the predominantly agricultural economy of 4 Note III-Leave taken on medical certificate at various spells will be counted for the purpose of counting of 365 days taken under rule 9 a (3) of these rules. It defines key terms like Authority, Chairman, Managing Director, and various budget and finance roles. Travelling Allowance Foreign. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Wapda Rules Summarized Wapda Act Efficiency & Discipline (E&D) 1978 (Conduct) Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) is a Body Corporate, having perpetual succession, a Common Seal and by name sue and be sued, established under WAPDA Act 1958. Directorate of Rules (HR&A) WAPDA Publication No. Leave on Half Pay (1) Leave on full pay may be converted into leave on half pay, THE PAKISTAN WAPDA EMPLOYEES (CONDUCT) RULES, 1978 1. The main provisions of these rules are as follows: • All WAPDA employees are entitled to annual leave, casual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, compassionate leave, and leave for special purposes. NOTE II. These rules outline definitions and terms related to employee discipline and efficiency within the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). Leave Rules 1982 - Free download as PDF File (. Select it in the list of your records. pk +92-42-99202 - 211/633; Main Menu. 1982 – Messing Allowance for the Employees Attending Training Courses at Wapda Academy / Training Institute / 1. The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established through an act of parliament in February 1958 for integrated and rapid development and maintenance of water and power resources of the country. A. Some key details include: - It defines various terms related to travel allowances such as controlling officer, family, mileage allowance, and transfer. The WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority) leave rules are outlined in the WAPDA Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1972. • Download as PPTX, PDF • 11 likes • 7,825 views. The Pakistan Wapda Employees (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1978 2. , Chartered Accountants Page 1 Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited V 6 Water and Power Development Authority is pleased to make the following rules namely:— THE PAKISTAN WAPDA EMPLOYEES (CONDUCT) RULES, 1978 1. This Act was passed by West Pakistan Assembly on 2nd April, 1958; assented to by the Governor of West Pakistan on 19th April, 1958; and published in the West Pakistan Gazette (Extraordinary), dated 24th April, 1958 pages 689-99. WAPDA WWF Grant Form - Free download as Word Doc (. Wapda E& D Rules 1978. No. Pakistan Wapda E&D Rules 1978. This includes controlling soil salinity and water logging to rehabilitate the affected land in order to strengthen the predominantly agricultural economy of Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like These Rules shall apply to all directly Wapda employees, including those engaged on contract / re-employed, except the officials / officers serving the Authority on deputation. This document contains the Pakistan WAPDA Travelling Allowance Rules from 1982, which outline the policies for reimbursing travel expenses for WAPDA employees. THE PAKISTAN WAPDA EMPLOYEES (CONDUCT) RULES, 1978 [10 TH May, 1978]Notification No. Accounts Service Rules - Free download as PDF File (. Note IV — Leave on medical certificate for 180 days can be granted as many times as requested by the WAPDA employee. Ali Asad Sahu. , A Wapda employee grade 15 and below can transact any purchase, sale or disposal by other means of move or immovable property WAPDA Telephone Exchange - Free download as Word Doc (. - It defines terms like "Controlling Officer" as the officer declared to authorize travel allowances in Appendix I. 1. pdf), Text File (. They shall apply to all Wapda Employees except those on probation and those borne on workcharged establishment. The Pakistan Wapda Employees (Restriction on Marriages with Foreign National) Rules, 1965 4. This document outlines the Pakistan WAPDA Accounts Service Rules from 1966. *2i) Category-I Civil Servants in BPS 17 and above ii) Category-II Civil Servants in Conduct Rules 1978. It requests information such as the name of the deceased/retired/serving employee, details of dependent family members, property owned, insurance amounts, reason for in A/C No. —Children means legitimate children. Edit wapda employees conduct rules 1978 pdf form. XXXI of 1958 (First published after having received the assent of the Governor of West Pakistan in the Gazette of West Pakistan on the 24th April, 1958 and subsequently amended vide West Pakistan Notification No. docx), PDF File (. 0M . This document outlines The Pakistan Wapda Employees (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1978 which establish rules regarding employee conduct and discipline for the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). The document outlines rules established by the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) regarding employees' dates of birth. The document outlines Pakistan WAPDA leave and travel rules for employees. Rules which explain both methods, terms of travelling and outstation residence as well as T. It discusses the Ceining Trainal gion Reegistration process and was published by the Directorate of Rules. pdf from ACCOUNTING 700 at University of Sargodha, Sargodha. Revised Pay Scale - 2022. Note IV - Leave on medical certificate for 180 days can be granted as many times as requested In the light of WAPDA Pension rules, scrutiny of pension claims of all the retired and families of deceased WAPDA employees. Short Title, Application and Commencement (1) These Rules may be called THE PAKISTAN WAPDA RULES REGULATING THE GRANT OF ADVANCES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION/PURCHASE OF WAPDA Travelling Allowance Rules - Free download as PDF File (. The document is an application form for grants from WAPDA's welfare fund. ppt), PDF File (. 03 Revised Pay Scale Table - 1972to 2017 in PDF. Quizlet has study tools to help you learn anything. Short Title and commencement (1) These rules may be called the Pakistan Wapda Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978. b. PAKISTAN WATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Telephone: 69911/423 304-Wapda House Telegrams: WAPDAvLAHORE Lahore No. Wapda Retirement Rules 1979. 3 *17. , A WAPDA employee who is on deputation abroad will be considered for promotion provided he comes back and earns_______ACR. It provides information on leave encashment and following rules, namely: THE PAKISTAN WAPDA RULES REGULATING THE GRANT OF ADVANCES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION/PURCHASE OF HOUSES/PLOTS, 1967 1. P) WAPDA - Free download as PDF File (. S/SO(R&CM)24(E&D)22731-23331 11th February, 1978 In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 18 of the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority Act, 1958 (West Pakistan 2. 5 (236) A&L/4970 dated 1-7-67, the Authority is pleased to order that a WAPDA employee, who has NOT opted for WAPDA Pension Rules, 1977, or to whom these Rules are NOT applicable, should NOT be given any of Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In case of minor children, the Pension Sanctioning Authority may nominate suitable person to the guardian of such minor children for the purpose of receiving grant from Wapda Welfare Funds, All applications and requests for grant seeking aid from the fund should be submitted not later than six months E&D Rules_eng - Free download as PDF File (. Definitions In these*rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context: 1. Yousuf Adil Saleem & Co. 7 VI (Edition) PAKISTAN WATER AND POWER Promotion Policy 11 January WAPDA - Free download as PDF File (. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The maximum period of leave for 120 days on full pay can be granted at one time on medical certificate, LPR orders once issued can be withdrawn on the request of an official. gov. WAPDA Revised Transport Policy 2024 - Free download as PDF File (. ii. Short Title and Commencement (1) These rules may be called the Pakistan Wapda Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978. ppt / . pdf) or read online for free. This document contains the Pakistan WAPDA Leave Rules for WAPDA Employees from 1982. When you're done, click Done. This document outlines the Pakistan WAPDA Head Office Telephone Exchange Staff Service Rules from 1983. Key terms defined include "Authority" (WAPDA), "Appointing Authority", "Competent RULE & REGULATIONS Fill in the Blanks (Final) - Free download as Word Doc (. /D. Wapda Material Disposal Procedure - Free download as PDF File (. WAPDA and Wapda Medical Rules - Free download as PDF File (. SO (R&CM)-35 (WECR)/489-1049. WAPDA E&D-RULE. 04. The Pakistan Wapda Employees (Restriction on Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established through an act of parliament in February 1958. Fee from 4th chance & onward will be borne by the candidate from his own pocket. Some key points: - Daily allowances are provided to cover daily expenses when The document outlines the Pakistan Wapda Employees (Date of Birth) Rules, 1994 which provide guidelines for determining and recording employee dates of birth for the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). 1 The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established through an act of parliament in February 1958 for integrated and rapid development and maintenance of Wapda Rules Summarized - Download as a PDF or view online for free. It establishes rules for employee Wapda Rules Cyber Security Alert Tax Exemption Certficates. Addeddate 2016-10-03 14:11:26 PDF Wapda TA Rules. PPRA Rules. txt) or read online for free. About Us; Projects; WAPDA,Tenders,GALLERY,GALLERIA,career,job opportunity,New Job Wapda Leave Rules - Free download as PDF File (. The proposed promotion policy document outlines new criteria for promotions within various cadres up to BPS-20. (2) They shall come into force at once. 3. Since October 2007, WAPDA has been bifurcated into two distinct entities i. S/SO (R) 84/13169-13468 4th May, 1980 OFFICE ORDER Subject: THE PAKISTAN WAPDA EMPLOYEES (RETIREMENT) RULES, 1979 Under Rule 3 of The Pakistan Wapda Employees (Retirement) from Service Rules 1979, a Wapda employee holding post in Grade 20 or an equivalent post shall retire from service on such date as the Wapda rules - Free download as PDF File (. Extent of Application These rules shall apply to all directly recruited Wapda employees, including those engaged What makes the wapda casual leave form pdf download legally binding? Because the society takes a step away from office work, the completion of documents increasingly happens electronically. 411-412. document is related to wapda conduct rule 1978 4. This includes controlling soil salinity and water logging to rehabilitate the affected land in order to strengthen the predominantly agricultural economy of . Sd/- Colonel (Idrees Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established through an act of parliament in February 1958. Leaves available to wapda employees revision in prices of rate contract for the supply of tyres, tubes and flaps (imported) due to increase in regulatory duties m/s ayesha + mariam (pvt) ltd 30-09-2021 Under Rule 12 read with Rule 3(1) and Rules 13 of the Pakistan WAPDA Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978, a WAPDA employee is required to disclose liquid assets, immovable or movable and all other properties wherein he will also declare the assets (showing the details therein) owned / disposed off assets by the family members. *1982. 4 ANNEXURE-I No. SOR. This document outlines the revised deputation policy for employees of WAPDA (Water and Power Development E&D-RULE(F. Issuing Pension Payment Order (PPO) for all nature of new and revised cases. The document discusses rules related to employee discipline and efficiency in Pakistan WAPDA from 1978. FREE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FORM A WAPDA employee shall earn leave only on full pay. FREE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FORM WAPDA was created for the purpose of coordinating and giving a unified direction to the development of schemes in Water and Power Sectors, which were previously being dealt with, by the respective Electricity and Irrigation Department of the Provinces. These Rules may be called the Pakistan wapda Leave Rules for wapda Employees, 1982. Flashcards. Key points: - Rules specify documents that can confirm an employee's date of birth such as matriculation certificates, school leaving certificates, and In supersession of the then Chief Accountant WAPDA, letter No. 93 Annex-IV The Pakistan Wapda TA Rules. 2012 . AGP Manuals. Applications without Fee will not be entertained. 1 / 5 Wapda Leave Rules, 1982 (Subjective) Log in Wapda Rules Objective Type Questions - Free download as PDF File (. - The WAPDA General Rules - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Extent of Application gazette notification - pakistan wapda (appointment and tos of chairman and memebers) regulations, 2020 Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established through an act of parliament in February 1958. Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established through an act of parliament in February 1958. 2. It requests information such as in A/C No. 2 PAKISTAN WATER AND POWER DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Telephone: 65051 to 65064 Telegrams: WAPDA LAHORE. font size decrease font size increase font size; Email You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. WAPDA the ( Authority) comprises of Chairman and Members Water, Power and Finance. They shall apply to all Wapda Employees except those on probation and those borne The Pakistan Wapda Employees (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1978 2. It outlines rules for Wapda employees regarding acceptance of gifts, foreign awards, public demonstrations, subscriptions, lending and borrowing, buying and E&D Rules_urdu - Free download as PDF File (. This document outlines the Pakistan WAPDA Travelling Allowance Rules from 1982. txt) or view presentation slides online. doc / . In the light of WAPDA Pension rules, scrutiny of pension claims of all the retired and families of deceased WAPDA employees, received from formations of all three wings of WAPDA. Travelling Allowance Rules 1982 - Free download as Word Doc (. It details various types of leaves including earned leave, casual leave, study leave, and medical leave. 4 Note III- Leave taken on medical certificate at various spells will be counted for the purpose of counting of 365 days taken under rule 9 a (3) of these rules. Some key details: - The rules define misconduct, penalties, 1. This document provides definitions and terms related to budgeting and financial management for the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA). 12. Minutes of Authority Meeting these rules relate, unless the subscriber subsequently cancels formally in writing her notification excluding him. Key The document contains the Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Traveling Allowance Rules from 1982. Guidelines for Enforcing the Responsibility for Losses Sustained by 2. OB-5 (2) A&L/265 Sunny View, Kashmir Road, Lahore January 16, 1962 OFFICE ORDER The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority has framed Rules regulating the grant of advances for the purchase of Motor Transfer & Posting of WAPDA Employee. Project Audit. and more. CM(Water) (326) CM(Power & Finance) (358) REVISED DEPUTATION POLICY of WAPDA - Free download as PDF File (. Performance Audit Manual. Wapda and e and d Rules - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. Some key points: - It establishes rules for traveling allowances for WAPDA employees while on official duty or transfer. Contact Us. This document contains the Pakistan Wapda Employees (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1978 which outlines the rules for employee conduct and discipline within WAPDA. You can use the Documents tab to merge, split, lock, or unlock your files. This document provides information about Ceining Trainal gion Reegistration rules from the Directorate of Rules (S&GA) WAPDA. The actual date or the assumed date determined under rule 4 should be recorded both in words and in figures in the history of service, Service Book or any other record that may be kept in respect of the Wapda employee service under Wapda and as a confirmation, this initial record should carry the signatures/thumb impression of the employee and wapda-e&d-rules - Free download as PDF File (. The document contains rules and regulations from various WAPDA policies on topics such as leave, retirement, medical attendance, conduct, disciplinary actions, and advances. Wapda Purchase Procedure 1982. Note III — Leave taken on medical certificate at various spells will be counted for the purpose of counting of 365 days taken under rule 9 a (3) of these rules. This includes controlling soil salinity and water logging to rehabilitate the affected land in order to strengthen the predominantly agricultural economy of WAPDA WWF Grant Form - Free download as Word Doc (. doc - Download as a PDF or view online for free Wapda E&D Rules 1978 are being amended to this extent to avoid any legal objections. 01. These rules may be called the Pakistan Wapda Employees (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1978. WAPDA Medical Attendance Rule 1979 - Free download as PDF File (. Various Schemes of Revised Pay Scales . Rearrange and rotate pages, add new and changed texts, add new objects, and use other useful tools. It is necessary that all visiting officials remain familiar with such rules, which are periodically revised in order to meet changing circumstances. wapda rules Citation preview. 2 VI (Edition) Pakistan Water And Power Development authority The Pakistan Wapda Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978 Republished on 30. Wapda. yppznddwjrrnanandkfbjrqrgxbcqysinfzqdnifmogygdakkedxfavxwvpqipkpknutchnumeolgzah