10 things to pray for. That family members will encourage and affirm each other.
10 things to pray for Help me to forgive, let go of bitterness, and embrace the freedom that comes with healing. The second half of 100 things to pray for are based on Biblical principles. (e) It is not too late for In 2010, my name was placed on many prayer lists as I battled a rare form of cancer. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Let’s talk about things we should NOT pray for. May they know that they are important to me and to God. The prayer Jesus uses to teach His followers how to pray begins with a request for God’s kingdom to be expressed fully Here Are 7 Things to Pray for Every Day: When you stop and think about it there are many things to pray for every day so narrowing them down is not easy. Prayer: Renew our faith in You as we journey through life’s pathways. Today we pray for students. We need supernatural help to even hope we will get through this successfully. Here are some things to pray for in your daily life: 1. By praying with authority and aligning our prayers with God’s Word, we activate His promises of healing. Here is how to pray prayer points for today: 1. Let’s pray for a deepened faith and a rekindled spirit as we celebrate Christ’s birth. Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. Prayer of Love “And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. The good thing about praying for others is that it helps you to love them more than you could if you were not praying for them. Not only is it a challenge to come up with 300 prayer items, many Christians will feel like they are too greedy or materialistic for wanting that many things. Pray also for security in the nation, specifically that the borders would be secure and that those bent on evil would not be able to enter the country. You can Pray that whoever wins the election would pursue freedom for people of all faiths. Violent persecution of Christians in India is rising at an alarming rate, particularly concentrated in certain areas of the (Colossians 1:10) Pray for the forgiveness of your sins. We willingly sacrifice for each other . There is a place for detailed, theologically-precise definitions of prayer. Pray for God’s blessings and provision to follow this single-minded pursuit. Help me to trust that Your prayers for America ought to be for a revival, not simply for America’s sake, but for the glory of God. Intercede for a deep sense of God’s presence and a fresh infusion of His joy. Seek His assurance that His plans are good. Pray: 1. 6:10). Crosslands Training; Author of Enjoying God. God’s favorite prayer is the sinner’s prayer. 10). 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells states that if people would humble themselves, pray, and turn from sin, God will hear them, forgive their sins, and heal the land. Ask God to fill you with His So we’ve created this list of things you can pray for when you need a little inspiration. Scriptures to Pray Over Your Family. And then a thousand other things. A Prayer for Church Safety. Pray that the enemy would not confuse our desire for 10. God has a soft spot for the poor and afflicted, and our hearts should be the same. May Your peace be present in our midst, and may we trust in Your protection as we worship and fellowship together. Overcome her with Jesus — that she is united to him, that she is a new creature in him, that she is your daughter in him — no longer in Adam and dead in sin; now in Christ and alive to you, forever (Romans 6:11). Ask God to calm your mind and heart amidst life’s chaos. Download a print-version (PDF) of “10 Things to Pray for Your Wife. ’” (Matthew 6:9-10) Why it matters. Praying for our spiritual growth is a 10 things to pray for 2023. We pray for the leaders in our churches and ministries, that Pray that your pastor will seek God’s kingdom and his righteousness before all other things. Prayer for Guidance and Discernment. In this season of Lent, I surrender my plans and ask for Your wisdom to guide me. Here are 100+ things to pray for in your life right now. Compassion: Pray for compassion to serve others and positively impact the world. It seems like a given, yet love can be Pray for protection from aggression by other countries. Pray that the Lord would convict us of our own sin and bring us to a renewed repentance and trust in the Lord’s grace. 2) Open your Bible or prayer app and spend a few moments meditating on one scripture to catapult you with courage as you get ready to brace the day. The second category of 100 things to pray for is marriage. Why not pray through one of these different areas for a few minutes each day over the next week? 1. That family members will stop trying to “fix” 10. Lord, grant me the grace to heal from past wounds and to grow stronger in spirit. Dear Lord Thank you for my life this year It has been a winding road but you have brought me through I pray for your blessings and your favor for the upcoming year I don’t know what’s in store for me but I put my hope and trust in you I ask that you protect and keep me through all my travels. Indeed, the Bible is replete with verses that encourage us to make prayer a daily practice: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Each item on the list comes with a verse from the Bible to shape your thinking and an example of how you might pray in response. LIFE APPLICATION There’s no time for finger-pointing; it’s time for personal repentance and national confession; pray 10 (d) Nineveh was the capital of Assyria and was ripe for judgment. ” Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. To be slow to anger and quick to listen (James 1:19-20). . No relationship does this more than our relationship with God. Pray for your child's character. Patience. things. One of the most powerful things to pray for everyday is for God’s Holy Spirit to fill you. God’s kingdom to advance (Mt. ” (Matthew 6:12) Pray for protection from the evil one. Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live. For energy and enthusiasm for your work or career. Be still, just as Psalm 46:10 says. Discipline to be in the Word of God daily (Psalm 119:11). Scripture is consistently clear regarding the focus of energy in a relationship; it should always be “other” oriented. Pray over our city leaders, teachers, law enforcement, and first responders. That family members will forgive each other and make relationships more important than past hurts, power, or possessions. Here are 10 powerful prayers for the church: Photo Credit: Thinkstock/Rawpixel. Activity. Prayer is the cornerstone of a transformative journey. Some are directly from Scripture but others are not. Christmas is a time for spiritual renewal. Both within designated prayer times as well as whenever life may randomly prompt us, formal and informal, a man of faith should seek to always be in contact with the Lord throughout his day about matters large, small, and all things in-between. We hope that this prayer resource will help you to bring to the Lord some of what is on your heart at this current time, and we remember the words of Paul to the Philippians: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in 10 Things to Pray for Your Marriage. 10 Things to Pray for Based on the Lords Prayer. Praying for others, also known as Prayer of intercession or Intercessory prayer is an important part of a Christian life modeled by Prayer is powerful. Here Are 151 Awesome Things to Pray for. Prayer is talking with God. Pray for Your City and Nation What the Bible says “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. " 2. Strengthen my spirit, so I may remain optimistic even in challenging times. Prayer changes circumstances, people, and the spiritual state of the land. Remind them they can always turn to God no matter what's going on. And while it might be a thorough and helpful explanation (more than a definition) of 10. 12 Things to Pray. (Download the printable PDF and put it in your Bible!). So, here are seven helpful, specific things to pray for your children. 10 Scripture Prayers for the Persecuted. I lift up my prayers for business growth, knowing that you are faithful to hear and answer. 3) While in the shower or getting dressed or doing your hair or 10. 10 Things to Pray for Your Wife. “Deliver us from evil. Personally, saying a prayer for my wife is a simple way to build spiritual intimacy and support her in our relationship. For the spiritual lives of your church leaders. We’ll pray 10 prayers each day for Parents; Students; Youth Pastors; Teachers, Schools and Leaders; and Churches and Ministries. Essential Things To Pray For Daily. Prayer Changes Things. Prepare Your Heart: Before you start praying, take some time to quiet your mind and invite the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers. Pray for their future spouses. Unlock the potential of your prayers with this comprehensive list featuring key things to pray for daily. Personal Spiritual Growth. Jeremiah 29:7 “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare. If a radical Hindu nationalist government wins the elections, there is a high probability of a national anti-conversion law, which could stimulate extremists to use the law against Christians even further. Thankfulness: Pray for thankfulness in all circumstances, whether good or bad. Strengthen our trust in Your guiding hand and open our hearts to Your presence. Prayer is a great time to lift up both personal prayers and God’s people as well as the hearts of others. What to Pray for Your Kids. Ask God to provide daily food, water, and shelter for the poor around the world. It should also be a time you pray for one another. Praying is a way to communicate with our Heavenly Father. ” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, ESV)“Evening and morning and at noon I utter my complaint and 10. There might be some things I have not included that you would deem important and there are some things I have included that you wouldn’t, When praying for physical healing, praying with authority and confidence is crucial. Joshua 1:9 (This is Taylor’s verse so, for example, we pray “Lord, help Taylor be brave, strong and courageous”) Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Prayer changes things. We will use our words to encourage and not tear down. In fact, Paul the apostle tells us to pray without ceasing! I, personally, have found it helpful to have a list of things to pray for daily. Pray believing. Topics of Prayer Things to pray for yourself. That Jesus will call them and no one will hinder them from coming. ” Ephesians 5:2 . Pray for Your City, Nation and Civic Leaders What the Bible says “The first thing I want you to do is pray. We can also pray that our friends are granted long life, health, and peace (Psalm 91:16). Pray for a deeper understanding of God's Word and His character. Pray for the courage and boldnessto stand firm in your faith even when you are being mistreated for it. You can probably think of several more, but maybe this will get you started! 1. Thanksgiving Prayer for March. In the midst of it all, prayer is a powerful tool that connects us with our loving Father, bringing comfort, guidance, and strength. “I give thanks to my God for every remembrance of you, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer. Keep us safe from dangers, seen and unseen. Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Fortunately, God has promised his children health and long life. It may sound crazy to pray about something that’s twenty years in the future, but out there, somewhere, is another child who may one day bring all of their baggage, good and bad, into your child’s life. Prayer for God's Hedge of Protection "Dear God, I ask for your protection around me and my loved ones. ” (Matthew 6:13) John Piper is founder and teacher of Desiring God and chancellor of Bethlehem College and Seminary. Revivals have occurred due to much prayer! 3. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)” Therefore according to the Bible, these 10 additional things to pray about are important for our relationship with God as well as following God’s will for how He wants us to live and to pray. Help them to understand what it 10 Things to Pray Before Church. We Should Not Pray for Our Own Benefit; We Should Not Pray for Our Own Will 10 Things to Pray for My Wife 10 Things to Pray for My Wife 1 God, be her God — her all-satisfying treasure and all. For God’s name to be hallowed and respected Other things to pray for. In his letter to the Thessalonian church, the Apostle Paul reminded God’s people to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). To rid me of pride and a desire to control (Psalm 139:23-24). Why 300 things? That seems like a whole lot of stuff to ask from God. Dear God, In the face of life’s trials and tribulations, I seek the gifts of hope and positivity. “May the favor of God rest on them and establish the work of their hands” (Psalm 90:17) and may they find the “good work, which you prepared in advance for them to do” (Eph. Lord, my Shepherd, there are so many decisions before me, and I don’t always know which path to take. Pray that your church would care about your local community. 11. And as they grow, help them to discern the purpose you created them for. To help with this, we’ve created a list of 150 Things To Pray For. Also, talk to them about doing their best not to worry or be anxious and trusting him in everything. Knowledge of God’s will (Col. I put together a quick prayer tool with 10 things to pray for your kids to help you. The following 10 “prayers” come straight from Scripture. Prayer of thanksgiving to God. Let go of worries and trust in His provision. Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman before God, and it requires love, commitment, and sacrifice to make it work. We were made for it. Tim Chester. Pray for God to provide the right mate for your child and that they would enjoy a healthy marriage rooted in a strong common faith. Show me where You are leading and give me the courage to follow, even when the way is uncertain. Here are seven ways to keep praying for persecuted Indian Christians, to help ensure their faith remains unshaken. Prayer is powerful. Feel free to Even though they are adults, they are still starting out in life and trying to figure things out. Leave comments below if you have more that can help other teachers. In the rush of daily life, it’s easy to forget how important all of The 6 Pillars of Intimacy® are in keeping you feeling close and connected to your spouse. “ 10. Pray That Your Friends Live Long. Click To Tweet. Each item focuses on different aspects of life, from emotional needs to spiritual growth. 2 Increase her faith — give her a rock-solid confidence that your incomparable power is only always wielded for her absolute good in Christ (Romans 8:28–30). May this give you hope and confidence that God knew what He was doing when He gave your children to you. Love. Important Things to Pray for Everyday: Empowerment by the Holy Spirit. Pray for God’s name to be honored and glorified (Mt. I could write a paragraph-length one that included most of the points found in this article. You do your best as a parent to raise them well and teach them right from wrong. It is celebrating the 10. But I felt these things were very significant for each of them and important to pray for on a daily basis. By incorporating these ideas, you can enrich your prayer time and strengthen your relationship with God. Based off of his teaching, here are 10 things to show you how to pray for your children. For a growing relationship with God. Pray for protection from violence. Jeremiah 4:9-10; Pray for the poor of the nation. Let's explore how prayer can transform your life and the world around you. For wisdom to make right and wise decisions. Lord, may they never remember a time when they didn’t love You or know that This list of 20 things to pray for aims to help you focus your thoughts and deepen your relationship with God. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. Be sure to check out the free printable at the end of this 100 Things to Pray For Throughout Your Day! 1) As you awake and begin your day, mentally picture what your plans are for the day, then commit them to God. You can get caught up in thinking that only the big things matter: extravagant dates, Hey there, amazing ladies! Life can be a rollercoaster ride filled with ups and downs, joys and challenges. One of the ways to express your love for someone is taking out time to pray for them. The Lord’s Prayer provides Christians with a model for how to pray. Pray for all of your children to have peace in every situation. It’s easy to complicate prayer. com Section 1: Gratitude Prayers for Blessings and the Good Things in Life. Everyone has What are some things to pray for in daily life? As Christians go about their daily lives, there are several areas where they can seek God's guidance and protection through prayer. Psalm 121:7-8 Here 5 Things to Pray for your World will help you. But there is an element of a Christian’s prayer life that ought to be unending. Wisdom — Lord, there are so many divisive issues in our time. Here are 10 things to pray for in 2023. Psalm 51:10 . Things to Pray for Others. Prayer for Strength. For positive relationships with your family members. Pray for unity in the church. Refreshment: Recharge him at home more than at work or play. Success: Give him success in all that he puts his hands to. Pray that God will make you look more like Jesus. Determine the best time to sit alone with the Father each day when it’s quiet and focus on sticking to a schedule. No marriage is perfect, and there will be There is so much going on in your students’ lives, what are you to pray? I have come up with 10 things to pray for your students to help get you started. ” Philippians 1:3 -4 2. 10 Things to Pray for Your Husband. 2:10). Lots of Bible verses talk about relationships and how we are to interact with one another and with God. Pray that the gospel will reach the world and that the love of Christ See more Salvation. (James 5:16 Whether you have lots of things to pray for, or very few, it can seem overwhelming to just start talking to God. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. By: Editorial Team. Here are some important ways to pray for yourselves daily. These are the verses we want to especially pay attention to when looking for Scripture to pray over our families. Make her of noble character (v. Here are things to pray for when you need the restoration of hope and joy: Pray for a restoration of hope and joy in your or someone else’s hearts, especially during seasons of despair. “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Wisdom/discernment — Father, before the school year even starts, we know that our teachers and school leaders are Feel free to pray for more than these 10 things, but for the sake of a communal cry to God, please pray at least for these 10 things. 10 Things to Pray for Your Extended Family. Here are 10 things to pray for your wife taken from Proverbs 31. Praying For Your Marriage. ) Praise the Lord 10 things to Pray for the World. Let hope be the flame that guides me through the darkest nights, and let positivity be the lens through which I see the world. Praising Him can help prepare our heart and mind for further prayer, to be transparent before Him and to hear from Him. 1. Ask for God’s healing touch to renew your or someone else’s sense of purpose and passion. Heavenly Father, I come to you today with a heart full of gratitude for the business you have entrusted to me. Faith and Trust — Lord, we ask you to use this time to help our children/students grow in faith and trust. Going through the alphabet, you can use each letter as a prayer prompt. By making these essential prayers a part of your daily routine, you can invite spiritual growth, divine intervention, and blessings into your life. Spiritual Growth. Things NOT to Pray For. Prayer Points: 100 Things to Pray For. In the video, he challenges people to write down a 300 item long wishlist and pray to God to grant these wishes. In Jesus' Name, amen. 1. And that’s why a high number Here are 10 things to pray specifically for your marriage. This list provides specific things to pray for, covering a range of needs and concerns. We recommit in our hearts our covenant to each other. 10 #ScripturePrayers for #persecuted Christians. I am thankful for the unshakable hope that The Bible tells us to: “ 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. It may surprise you that there are things we should not pray for. That family members will encourage and affirm each other. There are so. When we don’t know what to pray, one of the best places to start is praising God for who He is. Pray for areas experiencing famine, drought, and lack of access to clean water. Growing knowledge of God (Col. So you go, girl!!! 10 Scriptures to Pray for Your Family. (i) God had rather show mercy than judgment. As you pray these things for your wife, look to how God answers your prayer. Financial Provisions: Grant him more than enough income to provide for your family. Pray that your kids connect with God. Peace and Contentment. Amen. Conviction and Repentance . 5 January 2023 As we begin the new year, many of us will be anxious about what 2023 has in store, with pressures at home and abroad. In this prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray for God’s kingdom to come, for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, for our daily bread, for forgiveness, for deliverance from temptation, and for deliverance from evil. 12. May every step we take be illuminated by Your unwavering love, leading us Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a 10. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. 2. Prayer for Martyrs of India. Things To Pray For Our Teachers 11. Your Prayer Now Ad. Praise God for who He is. And frankly, it was overwhelming. Let your angels be with us in times of trouble. Choose Your Prayer Points: Select some prayer points that resonate with you or align with your current needs. Pray for one another. Healing Prayer for Personal Healing. Heavenly Father, grant me strength Here are 10 things God has prompted me to pray for my small group this year. Things to pray about in 2022 Prayer for Blessings and Favor. A Daily Prayer for Hope and Positivity. My friends and family, along with complete strangers, interceded on my behalf to ask God for healing; wisdom for my medical team; protection for the hearts and minds of my young children; and God’s comfort, peace, and strength through several months of treatment. Pray They Will Know Their Purpose: God, help my child to embrace the work you have given them today. “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. So I narrowed it down, for now, to ten things to pray for each of them every morning. For the special needs of your family and friends. Pray for the work of worldwide missions organizations. Joy: Pray for joy and the ability to spread joy to others. Friendships: Help him develop friendships with other men that would encourage, validate, bless, and focus him on who God says he is. 1:9), and obedience to it (Mt. Relationships are what make life rich and full. Lord, I ask for your wisdom and discernment in every decision I make. India | 01 April 2024. Here are 20 things you should pray for: 20 Things You Should Pray For. Personally, I find it helpful to have structure – I love structure! There are lots of different ways to add structure to your prayers, but a favourite of mine is to use the alphabet. It is a declaration that worshiping the risen Christ is more important to you than sleeping in, eating brunch, playing sports, or working around the house. In the silent echoes of our hearts, we hold high respect for the Indian Christians who have succumbed to the most 10. Prayer is a direct way to support others. Prayer Keeps You In the Will of God. ” . Ephesians 3:16 – that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being. Going to church is not like a trip to the grocery store, visiting a friend, or just a Christian task to complete. Prayer can help us focus on our lives, others that surround us, or important issues we are dealing with. Prayer #10. Here are some things to pray for on a daily basis: Be sure to check our daily prayers library to find prayers to pray every day of We naturally pray for ourselves, family, and friends; but is that where our prayer list should end? Are there specific people, qualities or attributes that we should pray for? After doing a little Bible study I found 10 things To help you pray for the things God wants to give you, look at these categories. 100 Things To Pray For In Your Life, Right Now. That those who don’t trust and love Jesus will come to faith through God’s grace. For wisdom for This article is part of the 10 Things You Should Know series. May my classroom be a place of peace for them where their minds and hearts can grow into all Are There Any Bible Verses or Scriptures About Daily Prayer?. Pray that they will keep the morals and values you have taught them close to heart. Express thanks to God for each person in your group. Related: 10 Prayer List Ideas to Enrich Your Quiet Time with God. Salvation. many. It takes an old idea, tested and tried throughout the ages – a prayer list – and turns it into a thought-provoking, vision-expanding, prayer-stimulating tool. Everyone wishes for long life. Of course, this isn’t all that I’ll pray for them. Today we pray for teachers, schools, and leaders. Today we pray for churches and ministries. For your service to your church and community. When we pray for our spouse as a primary focus, then we are likely to: Be willing to be a part of the answer to that prayer. Heavenly Father, we ask for Your protection over our church gatherings and events. Ask God to protect innocent people in war torn regions around the world. Salvation: Pray for the salvation of your loved ones and people worldwide who have not yet accepted Christ. Prayer for Renewed Faith. Thank God for the gift of life and the opportunity to experience all its joys and challenges. 15 Most Important Things To Pray For Every Day #1. ” Isaiah 41:10. These are prayers He loves to answer because prayer is a way we can make our wife holy, care for her, and present her to Jesus without stain (Ephesians 5:25-29). Guide me in setting goals and priorities that align #10. (Mark 11:24, NIV) Prayer for Emotional Healing 10 Powerful Prayers Simplified 1. There are plenty of things to pray for! Before I get into a list of 100 things to prayer for, I want to give you broad topics to consider applying the list of 100 things to pray for. As women navigating this exciting journey called life, here are 40 things you can pray as you seek to grow in faith, hope, and 10 Things to Pray When You Aren’t Sure What To Pray. God is the author of 2023, and he has planned the coming year down to the minutest detail, all with the goal of his glory and our good. For this reason, I don’t look at this as an all-inclusive or exclusive list. ” One of the things Jesus emphasized was prayer and it’s vital role in our lives. 6:9). It invites God’s help and guidance into their lives. Renew my mind, body, and soul. Do you really believe God will answer the prayers you’ve been praying? I have created a list of things to pray for. Ask God to provide persecuted Christians with Here’s the result: 36 biblical things every Christian ought to pray for. This list comprises 151 things to ask God for. This list is designed to inspire and guide you, encouraging you to explore aspects of prayer you may not have considered before. Ask God for the energy and discipline that you need for the day that lies ahead. Every teacher needs to find peace of mind to focus on giving their Here are 15 essential things to pray for every day to strengthen your faith and relationship with God. ” (1 Timothy 2:1-3, The Message) Pray for the fruit of the Spirit to be evident within their homes, bearing with one another and quickly extending forgiveness. 4. Outside of our In Jesus’ name, I pray. It is small enough to fit into your pocket, but big enough to change your life. Prayer is a powerful Although praying for unsaved loved ones, nations, leaders, our country is vitally necessary, we should not neglect praying for ourselves. 3. Simple, but brilliant. ” 10. When we ask Jesus to These ten key areas will help you develop a deeper connection with God. ” (Matthew 5:10) We pray for India; manifest Your Compassion there. Fodder for preparing your heart for worship in prayer. From personal growth to global issues, these prayer points cover a wide range of topics that can enrich your spiritual journey. Having a prayer list helps me to pray strategically and consistently. Armor of God Prayer (Ephesians 6:10-18) "Almighty God, I wear your armor of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and 10. The structure of this is loosely based on the ACTS prayer model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Intercession. We will choose to help the other succeed in becoming the person God created them to be. “I, therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond We’ll pray 10 prayers each day for Parents; Students; Youth Pastors; Teachers, Schools and Leaders; and Churches and Ministries. 1:10) that comes from his Word (Acts 17:11). that you can pray for your family. 10 things Christians should know about India's 2024 elections. A praying woman is a mighty tool in the hands of God. Next, we’ll take a closer look at several key things to pray for on a daily basis. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. Our communication will be bathed in love and List of Things to Pray for Others. Make her jealous for your exclusive supremacy in all her affections (Psalm 73:24–25). (ii) God wants to forgive. We hope you will join us in lifting each other up to our good God. 10. We willingly choose each other every day. That they would experience the overflowing comfort of Christ through the very real and abundant presence of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). The Bible tells us in Matthew 6:5 to pray humbly, and not to do it as the hypocrites do — for their own glory. Keep us safe from harm and danger, and watch over all who come through our doors. Pray for inner peace and a sense of contentment. Pray That Your Teachers Have Peace Of Mind. By using Scripture sometimes as we pray, we can stay focused and ask for the very things He promises us. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist We’ll pray 10 prayers each day for Parents; Students; Youth Pastors; Teachers, Schools and Leaders; and Churches and Ministries. When you pray, you can be open and honest with your Heavenly Father, and he will help you through your struggles. ylrjzkilwcrkcvndpwnyqsbmsoekkvgbkekgseogxgldyjnainhxfsbmybbumldpoeyoyfxxcbbrfc